What’s That Stench Coming From My Furnace in Redfield, AR?
If trouble strikes the furnace in your Redfield, AR, home, it may reveal itself through an unpleasant stench. Read on to learn why your furnace smells so awful.
Sulfur or Rotten Eggs
This particularly offensive stench typically is a sign that your furnace has been leaking natural gas. Natural gas has no odor, which is why HVAC professionals add sulfur-based chemicals to it. The vile smell should spur you to act and avoid the risk of a gas-related fire or some other serious hazard.
Damp or Musty Furnace Stench
Generally speaking, you can trace any damp or musty odors to the accumulation of dirt, dust, and other kinds of debris in either your ductwork or the other parts of your furnace. As your furnace turns on and generates heat, the warm air will mingle with the debris, possibly even causing a slight burning smell.
This smell is especially likely to emerge if you haven’t used your furnace in a long time, though it should quickly disappear. If it doesn’t, you may have quite a serious dust problem and may need service techs to perform extensive cleaning. We also recommend changing your furnace’s air filter once every three months.
Gym-Like Odors
If your furnace suddenly smells like a gym locker room, it’s probably because bacteria has accumulated on its coils. Stray moisture can create a fertile environment for the growth of bacteria. If any part of your furnace has gotten damp since you last used it, you may discover this unpleasant odor when fall arrives.
To remove the smell, service techs will need to clean away those bacteria. They can do this as part of maintenance services, which you should remember to schedule at least once per year.
When your nose suggests that something is wrong with your furnace, take action. Let our service techs clear your Redfield, AR, home of any furnace stench. Call Pine Bluff Heating & Air to request our heating repair services today.
Image provided by iStock
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